Price per property/price per void

A new set of contract conditions that cater for the procurement and management of contracts to be let on a price per property and price per void (PPP/PPV) basis is now available through the M3NHF Schedule of Rates.

In response to a request from the National Housing Maintenance Forum (NHMF) and the NHMF Contractor Forum, Rand Associates Consultancy Services, in conjunction with Anthony Collins Solicitors as the legal advisers to the NHMF, have prepared this version of the NHF Form of Contract and The Invitation to Tender Document which specifically sets forth conditions relating to the tendering of PPP/PPV contracts.

This documentation is based on the NHF Form of Contract 2011 (Revision 2:2013) and Volume 1a of the M3NHF Schedule of Rates (Responsive Maintenance and Void Property Works) Version 6.2.

The concept of PPP/PPV – which involves housing associations tendering for maintenance contracts on a set price per property or price per void over a pre-determined time period – has been around for several years. This type of contract was originally based on the historical use of three-star all-inclusive contracts for gas servicing and maintenance. PPP/PPV is currently a popular form of contract with both clients and contractors.

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