M3NHF Schedule of Rates

Contact details

Address details

Invoice Address details

Trainee(s) details

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Additional details

Not implemented

Pricing details

Price :
£250 per delegate (x4)
A5 Books :
£60 per book (x2)
Subtotal :
Training VAT :
A5 VAT :
Total :

Payment Options

An invoice is raised for attendance fees and sent to you.

A link is generated for you and will be sent via email to pay for the attendance fees by card.

Please add at least one trainee before proceeding

Terms and conditions

Joining instructions will be issued ten days before the event. We will contact the trainee by email unless you stipulate otherwise. A VAT invoice will be issued upon receipt of this booking. Full payment must be received before the event.

If you cancel a booking you will be charged the following cancellation fees:

  • 2 months before the training date: 25%
  • 1 month before the training date: 50%
  • 14 days before the training date: 100%

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